Monday, January 28, 2008


I have seen "Juno" and "I am Legend recently." Juno was cute and Omega Man is better. That's all.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I watched

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I saw it this summer when it came out, but at that time I hadn't read any of the books. I wanted to watch it again after I had read the book. It was worse now of course because I know what they left out. I still liked it though.

Finished Book

I just finished the 6th Harry Potter book and all I can really say is WTF? I started the 7th and I expect JK Rowling to correct her mistake.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Pics of baby

Here is a picture of my glider in his new home. He seems to be adjusting well. He is the one on the right.

Saturday, January 5, 2008


I just gave away my sugar glider. I have had him since 2000 and I had another one for about five years. She died in 2005 and he has been lonely since then. I didn't want to get another parntner for him and I am planning on moving across the country soon, so I thought it was best to find him a new home. The woman who took him seems very nice and she has another seven year old glider. I hope they get along. I feel this was the right thing to do, but my heart still hurts to see him go. This is one of the hardest things I have to do off of my list.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

The List is DONE

It should be updated very soon. I have done a couple of the things, especially the on going items so I will start keeping track of what is complete.

I never said before, but here is the orignal site and here is the LJ community

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Partial List UP

You can see it on the right. I will post again when it is finished.


I have about 60something items on my list right now. My brother wrote a nice lil script that I will be using to keep track of what I have completed. I will post the whole list when it is finished.