Saturday, April 26, 2008

Portland again

I am in Portland right now.  I was really hoping to have some (or at least one) interview on this trip, but that didn't happen.  I did meet two cool recruiters who have potential to be helpful in finding a job.  Since I knew I wasn't going to have an interview while I was on this trip I decided to change my focus to deciding whether or not I should move here without a job and to network.  I accomplished both of those goals.  The recruiters I met on Thursday is very down to earth and I asked her if she honestly thought it was harder to find a job from afar and she told me that yes it is because sometimes companies will ignore those candidates in favor of locals and even some people will ask that the candidate come in for an interview the same day they see the resume.  I had a suspicion on the first idea that they would be ignoring me, but the later never occurred to me.  

My original plan was to leave Austin when my lease is up at the end of May and then drive here and crash on two friends couches, but I also found out on this trip that both of those people will have other guests in early June, so if I am going to count on staying with them I will need to leave a bit earlier or later.  Earlier will work better since I would be couch surfing in Austin after end of May and I would rather do that with prospects of having my own place sooner than later and in a different city.   I have met several people in the hostels here who say that they are having a hard time finding roommates in the city.  A lot of people seem to be looking for like a week.  I would rather do that in a free place than a hostel.  One friend said that my kitty could stay at his place even if I don't.  So that is good for me and I am sure that will royally piss her off.  You do what you gotta do though.

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